Sunday 15 August 2010


It seems you'r still in a dilemma that 'how to choose a branch'
that would decide your career
Stats say that about 75% students are choosing thier group what thier seniors,relatives just finalise


But think how it would be rediculous 
to follow blindly  your relatives who even not studied Intermediate&dont
have an general idea on
how many branches available(45 branches available this year)&what are the  major subjects in particular branch.
*Suggestions to be taken if parents,relatives are well about the courses*

As a result only 29% students have 'just passed' their 1year in JNTU region

So this an platform to create a basic idea,what do really the branches are.
You can also choose your branch with your basic interest&Childhood activities
Infomation of each&every branch has provided indetail

If you are not particular in branch,go for a better college.
There you may geton by the help of  better lecturers,better friends network,better Campus...............
All these betters wil add up and leads you a better tomorrow

Discuss all these matters with your friends&also inform your friends 'n' create a basic knowledge on Branches

1 comment:

  1. AP EAMCET Application Form 2020- Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU) Kakinada will release the application form of AP EAMCET 2020 tentatively in the last week of February. Candidates will be able to fill AP EAMCET Application Form 2020 in online mode before the last date i.e. tentatively last week of March.
